Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Importance Of Being Earnest Religion Essay

The Importance Of Being Earnest Religion Essay These are the folks that always know what new natural disaster has just struck, what local businesses are about to go bankrupt, whose marriages are on the rocks. How could we survive life without these wrong-side-of-the-bedders? How could we get around without the black clouds and gloomy forecasts. Without wrong-side-of-the-bedders, we would never fully appreciate how miserable life really is. The book of Revelation is often perceived as sharing that same sort of bleak perspective a wrong-side-of-the-bed vision foretelling pestilence, punishment, famine, death, destruction. But the Revelation of Jesus to John is not a narrowed down version of despair, a nerve-racking vision of wrath. Here in todays text we are given celestial glimpses of glory. What might it be like to enlist in Gods reign and exist in Gods peace? The divisiveness of nationality, the prejudices of particularity, are forgotten as all peoples forge forward to praise God. There is one congregation, one church, and it joins all its separate voices together in a sonorous harmony of glorifying God. John saw this as the church of the future. John also saw this as our template for bringing the church to life in our own time. Instead of being just another organization lobbying for what it deems important, the church is challenged by this vision in Revelation to itself become an earnest of paradise. Now theres a word for you: earnest. Its not a word used much in church nowadays, although it is a familiar one in Scripture (Psalm 86:17; Romans 8:23; Ephesians 1:14, etc). But it may be a word that the church needs to proclaim. For our text calls the church to be what in biblical language is an earnest of the eschaton. In the Hebrew the concept is conveyed by the word Shamayim, which literally means a foretaste of heaven. If you have ever had an encounter with the Spirit, if you are alive and aglow with life, you know the meaning of Shamayim, or earnest. In Greek the word for earnest is arrabon, a legal term denoting a deposit made that renders the contract binding. An earnest is a promise, a pledge, a foretaste, an embodied symbol of something which is to come in its fullness later. When a young couple plants a spindly little oak sapling smack in the middle of their new backyard, it is an earnest of the future they envision in that space. Someday the tree will grow to shade their yard with an enormous umbrella of green. Its sturdy branches will hold the tire swings and treehouse platforms of the children yet to be born. It will carpet the ground with its brilliant fall foliage and feed a legion of squirrels with its annual crop of acorns. It might not look like much when planted, but the few spindly limbs of that sapling oak bear the weight of a tremendous earnest. Although the ultimate earnest is the Holy Spirit (2 Corinthinans1:22; 5:5; Ephesians 1:14), as Spirit-empowered people we are each called to act as earnests of the ultimate triumph we know Christs salvation has in store for all creation. On the day of salvation, todays Revelation text proclaims, all believers will loudly praise Gods blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might (7:12). Are you an earnest, a leaven of heaven? Does your life attest to the presence of these divine gifts to the world? When others listen to you speak, watch you work, see your home, do they experience that encounter as an earnest of Christs victory, of Gods redeeming love for the world. We are all earnests, we who are part of the body of Christ. Is our church an earnest of the future human conduits of the divine light offering others little glimpses of the brilliance, the glory, that awaits redeemed creation? Is our role in this community a leaven of heaven? Missionary/physician/musician/historical theologian Dr. Albert Schweitzer gave his life to serve the needs of those who lived in the African jungle. He was to the first half of the 20th century what Mother Teresa was to the second half. He gave one of the best definitions of ethics Ive ever seen, and lived what he defined: Let me give you a definition of ethics: It is good to maintain life and further life; it is bad to damage and destroy life Ethics is the maintaining of life at the highest point of development my own life and other life by devoting myself to it in help and love, and both these things are connected. (Reverence for Life [New York: Philosophical Library, 1965], 34-35.) Schweitzer allegedly hung a lamp in front of his hospital that shone brilliantly throughout the jungle darkness for a wide area. The light became a beacon of hope and healing for the areas sick and dying. He is said to have hung under the lamp this sign: At whatever hour you come, you will find light, and hope and human kindness. * Both the sign and the lamp were earnests of Schweitzers ministry. Is there a lamp for your church that says to the world, Come by Here. For Here is a Leaven of Heaven? Schweitzer practiced his earnestness with full knowledge of the worlds cruel ways, and a clear vision of human frailty and sin. Nonetheless, Schweitzer maintained his focus on eternity, and leavened heaven with every fiber of his being. To the question of whether I am a pessimist or an optimist, I answer that my knowledge is pessimistic, but my willing and hoping are optimistic. I am pessimistic in that I experience in its full weight what we conceive to be the absence of purpose in the course of world happenings. Only at quite rare moments have I felt really glad to be alive. I could not but feel with a sympathy full of regret all the pain that I saw around me, not only that of men but that of the whole creation. From this community of suffering I have never tried to withdraw myself. It seemed to me a matter of course that we should all take our share of the burden of pain which lies upon the world (Albert Schweitzer, Out of My Life and Thought [New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1933], 279). Albert Schweitzers remarkable life and witness touched me as a child growing up until he became in my life an earnest of the person I wanted to become. Schweitzer was able to offer me and others a leaven of heaven in each of the three types of needs outlined in todays text. Though portraying an eternal future, this mornings text focuses on the three most basic human needs of our frail and mortal present. Physical Needs The vision from Revelation promises that when believers are gathered around God enthroned they will hunger no more, and thirst no more (v.16). In other words, we will be delivered from physical needs. As a physician, caring for the bodies of those who caught sight of the jungle clinics light came naturally. But each of us is capable of providing some measure of sheer physical comfort to those whose physical needs are consuming all their energy and hope. Welfare reforms have made the churchs role as a social service agency even more vital. Its hard to work on an empty stomach; its hard to learn when youre cold and tired; its hard to play when youre weak and malnourished. Spiritual Needs Jesus vision to John revealed that divine deliverance involves more than just filling up stomachs and banishing body aches. There are other aches that have no neurological cause. There are pains suffered by a parched soul. Without addressing the spiritual needs of the human condition, one finds there is no true earnest of salvation present. Saving the body is not enough, for it will fail to thrive unless the spirit is nourished and nurtured by a community of faith. In our Revelation text the enthroned Lamb offers believers springs of the water of life as . . . sustenance for an eternal soul. Earnest upwellings of this same spring are already available from our own faith community. Emotional Needs As frail and failing human beings, however, we find our emotional needs are perhaps the most difficult to satisfy, and are even more demanding when denied. Without emotional strength and suppleness, even the strongest body will fail, even the surest spirit will falter. When our body labors, it needs a quiet center, a sense of emotional ease, in order to bear the physical hardship. Our spirit can soar only if it knows there is a safe and secure emotional scaffolding resting under its flight path. One of the most tragic figures in biblical history is Israels first chosen king, Saul. Although he was a great and strong warrior and commanded the 12 tribes of the new nation, although he experienced the exalted presence of Gods Spirit, Sauls body and soul had a fatal weakness. Although he enjoyed physical and spiritual triumphs, Sauls own emotional melancholia destroyed his faith, his vision, his purpose, his will. In todays Revelation text God meets our emotional needs in two ways. The text promises God will wipe away every tear suggesting that the emotionally honest and cleansing tears will first be allowed to flow, but that these tears will then be dried by Gods own tender hand. As an earnest of this quality of emotional care, we, too, must not be afraid to show the same depth of feeling and to let others do the same. In response to a genuine outpouring of emotion, an earnest of the coming age does not judge, but offers what is needed to dry a cheek, to hold a hand, to show empathy. In a creative writing class, a young teenage girl wrote this short poem: Dont criticize. Dont analyze. Dont even try to sympathize. Dont say you understand because you dont. Just hold me in your arms for once. And love me as I am. Like my mommy used to do before the world grew up on me. (John Fischer, In Praise of the Unrenowned, CCM Magazine, October 1997, 84.) Will this church hold the world in its arms and love it, as an earnest of Gods holding the whole world in the arms of the Almighty and loving it? Will you be a leaven of heaven in your family, your community, your world? Tracking the Sheep John 10:22-30 | 4/29/2007 We live in a changing new world of computer-raised sheep, but theres still just one Shepherd to follow. In Psalm 23, the shepherd leads the sheep beside cool waters. In century 21, the shepherd weighs the sheep beside cool waters à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ while he sits behind a laptop miles away. We are used to the rogue image of the Bedouin shepherd crook in hand, flowing robes, Middle Eastern head-covering. We remember a young David, tending his fathers flocks alone in the cold, battling lions and bears, engaging the God of creation in songs and poems that he would later pen into psalms. Now consider todays e-shepherd Bluetooth headset in ear, Blackberry PDA attached to belt, Venti Mocha perched desktop alongside GPS receiver. He sits remote from his flock in a warm ranch house, a crook exchanged for a mouse, perhaps playing a game of Internet Spades while still on the clock. That may be the appropriate picture in New South Wales, Australia, where cutting-edge technologies are being applied to an age-old industry. Ranchers attach tiny GPS transponders to the ears of baby lambs, and as these sheep grow up, they can be watched from a computer monitor. Throughout the day, sheep move freely from grazing areas to drinking areas to sleeping areas. Each channel between areas is wide enough for only one sheep to pass at a time, and as they pass between fenced-in zones, their transponders alert the shepherd where they are going and when. We can keep tabs on a single sheep from the time it is a little lamb to the time that it becomes lamb chops, says Bill Murray, spokesperson for the Australian Sheep Industry. However, the main advantage is in sheep handling, because the transponders allow the sheep to make their own decisions, without being hassled by people or dogs. In such a hyper-individualized world, why not extend the power of choice to flocks as well? With these e-sheep, its all up to ewe. But allowing free-range grazing isnt about having self-actualized herds. Its about having unhassled, unhurried, tenderized ones. Apparently, sheep autonomy equals appetite appeal. Beyond tastier flocks, e-shepherds also have well-organized flocks. Remotely controlled gates determine which grazing and drinking areas sheep are channeled into and for how long they remain there. Electronic scales are placed within each passageway so that every time a flock is shepherded from one area to another, each sheep can be weighed as it passes by. As a fully grown sheep passes through, a side gate opens sending it into a yard for those animals headed to market. As a pregnant ewe near birth weight passes through, a gate opens to send her to a prenatal area. In the future, animals due for vaccination will be given remote shots as they pass by and diseased animals can be detected and quarantined for medical treatment. All from a distance. All without human contact. All electronically. If David had controlled his flocks in e-shepherd fashion, he might have blogged the Psalms, text messaged Jonathon, and sent a fatal hard-drive virus to Goliath. So the lesson from e-sheep is this: 21st-century techno-culture metaphors are light years away from biblical, agrarian culture metaphors. Noting this, consider John 10:22-30. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, is so not like the impersonal techno-shepherd. Here, as elsewhere in the gospels, Jesus uses a metaphor his audience will understand: Hes the shepherd, and his followers are the sheep. So to understand what Jesus wants our contemporary audiences to understand, we must culturally unpack and translate what this sheep imagery means. Begin with our non-agrarian understandings of sheep. They arent bright animals. Theres no parlor game question that ever asks: Which is the smartest animal? The horse, the pig, the sheep, the dog, the cat? Wont happen. Sheep sleep and eat in the same fields in which they defecate and urinate. They blindly follow each other around with an unimaginative herd mentality. They need to be constantly provided for and protected so they dont starve to death or become wolf-lunch. So is this the way that Jesus wants us to see ourselves? Maybe yes, maybe no. What is clear is that sheep are needy. They not only need a shepherd, they need a good shepherd. Good ones take their job seriously. Good ones take care of the sheep. They protect and defend the sheep. They lead the sheep to still waters and green pastures. They lay down their lives for the sheep. They look for lost sheep. In Jesus day, shepherds didnt have the fiscal means to own sheep, thus many were mercenary care givers hired to live and sleep with the herds. Many were 8-12-year-old boys in the family business, out in a field because few opportunities existed for them. In our Western career caste system, shepherds wouldnt be white-collar or blue-collar theyd be no-collar. Is Jesus this kind of shepherd? Obviously not. Scholar Mary Schertz notes that in this text its not like every ovine analogy carries meaning for us or that sheep are commended as models for imitation. Sheep in the fullness of their animal existence are neither a good model for Christian life nor any other kind of human life. Instead, what does this short passage ask our e-shepherd culture to understand about the Good Shepherd and his relationship with the sheep who follow him? The Shepherd. John emphasizes two elements of setting. The time is the festival of Dedication, or Hanukkah (v. 22) the Jewish celebration of the rededication of the Temple after Antiochus desecrated it while trying to force Greek religion and philosophy upon them. The place is the portico of Solomon (v. 23) the only remaining relic of Solomons sacred temple which still stood, and the place where the Jewish king would make judgments and exercise justice. So a controversial rabbi is teaching radical ideas and taking controversial theological positions at a time when Jewish culture in the presence of the Roman occupation, and the traditions and history of Jewish religious milieu are being honored and glorified. And Jesus is doing this in the very place where Gods kings had always spoken to Gods people. The Jews question and request (v. 24) are therefore painfully rhetorical. How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly. Theres no suspense. They know exactly what he is saying because of when and where he is saying it. Who does this Shepherd claim to be? à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Someone who works in the Fathers name. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Someone whose sheep hear his voice. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Someone who knows the sheep. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Someone whose sheep follow him. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Someone who gives to his followers eternal life. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Someone who defends his sheep, because no one will snatch them out of my hand. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Someone who is one with the Father. In Simply Christian, scholar N.T. Wright notes that human yearning for things like justice, relationships and beauty are echoes of a voice. On the deeper spiritual level, these universal desires are pointing both to their Author and to their Fulfiller. While these hopes can be met incompletely through what the world offers, they are only met perfectly and completely through Jesus as Savior, the Good Shepherd of the sheep. Jesus is no e-shepherd who engages his sheep remotely. The Shepherd maintains intimacy and proximity in order to meet the needs of his sheep. He is at least within voice-distance (v. 27). Jesus is a hands-on, high-touch Shepherd. The Sheep. Jesus speaks of his sheep in front of an audience who does not fit that category: You do not believe, because you do not belong to my sheep (v. 26). Not everyone is a sheep of this Shepherd a difficult and sobering reality. The Shepherd does not crook-beat people into following him. He allows for some goats instead of all sheep. But those who are Christ followers are described this way: My sheep hear my voice (v. 27). For intrigued sheep then or now, a natural question emerges from this text. How do we hear our Shepherds voice? Is it like Moses who heard from God audibly at Sinai? Is it like Elijah who heard the sound of sheer silence as God spoke? Or is it like pastor and author Rob Bell describing his call to preaching: I heard a voice not an audible, loud, human kind of voice but inner words spoken somewhere in my soul that were very clear and very concise. What I heard was Teach this book, and I will take care of everything else.' Dont we all long for a voice like those three experienced? Notice, though, that Jesus describes voice-hearing in two different ways: I know them, and they follow me (v. 27). When Jesus knows his sheep he does so eternally (v. 28), and they are offered the Shepherds protection and security. But this security is not earthly. Sheep may lose their life, their financial comfort and their social acceptance because of their faith. Yet those who have heard the saving call of God and responded can never lose their souls and relationship with the Shepherd. Some of you pastor-theologians might want to amend that sentence so it reads like this: Yet those who have heard and are hearing the saving call of God and who have responded and are responding can never lose their souls and relationship with the Shepherd. In any event, hearing his voice includes being known by the Shepherd. [NOTE: The question that needs to be addressed is, How does one know, or hear, the voice of the Shepherd, so that we can be obedient and follow? See another Homiletics installment (based on this text), available online at, Jesus IS Ovine-Lingual. There the following observation is made: Yet, sometimes the problem is not that we, the sheep of his pasture, do not recognize the voice of the Shepherd. Rather, we recognize it and refuse to listen. Or we listen selectively.] In biblical times, shepherds had shrill yells that would resound through the wadis and across the hills where their sheep grazed. The Shepherds voice was firm, clear, loud and there was no mistaking it. It told the sheep, I am your shepherd. I know the best path. Follow me. When is the last time we have sensed God leading us to still waters and green pastures? When have we been asked to follow Jesus even when it is costly? Sheep regularly hear from their shepherd, they trust his voice and they follow. Jesus doesnt fit the shepherd stereotype and its probably fair to say that we arent the brainless herd animals that we assume sheep to be. But the biblical metaphor is still timeless and rich, ultimately giving us a picture of relationship, protection and provision, allowing us to hear a clear voice that bids us follow toward soul-satisfaction.

Saturday, January 18, 2020


Why Was Fathepur Sikri built ? In Akbar's time the site was occupied by a small village of stonecutters and was the home of Shaikh Salim Chishti, a Muslim astrologer and Sufi Saint. In 1568 Akbar visited the Shaikh to ask for the birth of an heir. The Shaikh replied that an heir would be born soon. Sure enough, Akbar's wife gave birth to a boy on August 30, 1569. In gratitude, Akbar named the boy Salim after the astrologer, and, two years later decided to move the capital to Sikri.Buland Daraza ————————————————- Buland Darwazameaning ‘high' or ‘great' gate in  Persian. It is located in  Fatehpur Sikri  which is located 43  km away from  Agra,  India. It is also known as the â€Å"Gate of Magnificence. † Buland Darwaza or the loft gateway was built by the great Mughal emperor, Akbar in 1601 A. D. at Fatehpur Sikri. Akbar built the Buland Darwaz a to commemorate his victory over Gujarat. 1] Architecture The Buland Darwaza is made of red and buff sandstone, decorated by carving and inlaying of white and black marble and towers above the courtyard of the mosque. The Buland Darwaza is semi octagonal in plan and is topped by pillars and  chhatris  with Buland Darwaiosks on the roof, stylized battlement and small turrets and inlay work of white and black marble. On the outside a long flight of steps sweeps down the hill giving the gateway additional height.A Persian inscription on eastern archway of the Buland Darwaza records Akbar's conquest over Gujarat in 1601. It is 40 metres high and 50 metres from the ground. The total height of the Structure is about 54 metres from the ground level. It is a 15-storied high gateway that guards the southern entrance of the city of Fatehpur Sikri. An inscription on the central face of the Buland Darwaza throws light on Akbar's religious broad mindedness.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Untold Story on List of Essay Topics for Middle School You Must Read

The Untold Story on List of Essay Topics for Middle School You Must Read List of Essay Topics for Middle School - What Is It? You could possibly be offered a list of essay prompts to pick from. If you would like to compose the essay yourself, we believe it would be best to pick a universal subject or issue. In a variety of ways, an informative essay is among the simplest types of academic paper to write. The five paragraph essay is going to have an introduction that has the major point of the paper. Textbooks ought to be free. Categories, essay topics could possibly be divided into. Nevertheless, if you want to get a superior grade, you will want to decide on a flawless history essay topic! Locate some literature to find out more about that subject. The ability to give information in various contexts is necessary to effective communication. For this reason, you don't necessarily must have any distinctive writing skills, you merely will need in order to logically order any information which you provide. Understanding of the language may give you more job and business opportunities both within and outside the nation. Thanks to the correct option of presentation style and a thorough understanding of the goals you wish to attain in your essay, there are many categories essay themes may be broken into. Before making up a last choice, think about the simple fact your essay is a bit of academic writing, which means it ought to be relevant and rather formal. A student ought to keep in contact with the hottest trends and know which persuasive essay topics are related to sound convincing in regards to defending personal opinions. It is very important to get started with demonstrating the major idea of the entire piece so you and your readers are going to be on the very same page. The role of assigning an essay to middle school students is to make awareness and permit them to develop writing skills. In the event you can't find your subject here, don't hesitate to have a talk with our staff and put an order for a customized history essay on your distinct subject. Think of one privilege which you would love to have that you don't have now. One of the very first things to think about is what type of essay you will write. The idea of keeping animals in captivity appalls plenty of adults. Consider what you could do in order to make your school more beautiful. College is for a high amount of study. Students ought to be permitted to pray in school. Don't neglect to write together with your students. You should make sure you select a topic which you find interesting and one that you'll want to write about . So ensure that you decide on a subject, which has values in it. Below, you will locate a few topics which can be used and suggestions about how to develop them. The topic also needs to be unique. An excessive amount of money isn't a good thing. When you must choose a topic to write about, it can be a bit difficult because the majority of people can't really consider something they think is interesting enough to write about. Afterwards, the greatest action to do is to narrow this issue down according to the guidelines supplied by your professor. What List of Essay Topics for Middle School Is - and What it Is Not Most middle school students avoid brainstorming sessions and get started searching for sample topics whenever they get the assignment. School should happen in the evenings. Year round school isn't a good idea. Some schools in the USA are requiring that students volunteer for many hours each semester to aid on a community issue. Who Else Wants to Learn About List of Essay Topics for Middle School? Creating expository essays is part of your middle school career, which means you ought to learn how to compose them properly. Imagine your school does not own a scho ol newspaper. Sometimes teachers give individual topics to every student, and at times they don't. Ultimately, there are several different styles of academic paper that require to have further abilities and talents as soon as it comes to academic writing.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Motherboard Memory Essay Online For Free - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2790 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category IT Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? The Modern Computer Any modern computer carries out two basic tasks that are essential to their purpose To store and process data this may seem simple at first but only scratches the surface of what forms of data are operated on, and what those processes are. Modern computers, never simple even during their inception; consist of a mass of interconnected components that work together, each performing their own role and communicating to a Central Processing Unit (CPU) which not only processes data but also manages the movement of the data around the computer. The essential core components of a computer are the Motherboard, CPU, power supply, main memory and data storage memory as well as an assortment of input and output devices either plugged into or built into the case of a computer, allowing the user of a system to interact with the computer. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Motherboard Memory Essay Online For Free" essay for you Create order The Components in Detail The role of a power supply unit is fairly straightforward, save that the amount of power required by the computer should always be taken into account when specifying the components of a new computer or when upgrading an existing computer. The other components however require more discussion: The Motherboard Arguably the most important component, this is where a bottleneck is most likely to occur because all other components are plugged into a Motherboard, including the CPU An old motherboard might not support the latest memory or fail to run it at full speed it is therefore essential that attention is paid to the specification of the motherboard in order to prevent the wrong components being chosen to plug into it. Specific to a motherboard, data travels to and from the CPU to other components, in particular the data storage and input/output devices (Which may themselves be data storage) via a BUS, a term derived via metaphor for how data travels from one component to another arriving at bus stops along the way. Considering the speed of the Front Side Bus is critical when building a performance computer where the CPU needs to be able to receive and return data (processed or otherwise) quickly so that the CPU isnt wasting time waiting for the data to arrive. The Central Processing Unit Also arguably the most important component in a computer, the CPU processes data, internally stores data that is actively being processed (Via registers) and manages the movement of data within itself as well as on main/system memory and input/output devices. Memory and Data Storage Data that is being used regularly (Note that software programs are also data, just as a number in a spreadsheet or word document is) will be held within a computers main memory for relatively quick access by the CPU, main memory plug in cards such as DDR3 SDRAM (Double Data Rate 3, Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory) aim to provide fast transfer of data (low latency, so a request for some data is responded to faster) but have relatively small capacity for storage of large amounts of data. The various forms of Random Access Memory are ‘volatile losing the information they contain when the computer is turned off (This does at least make it harder for a virus to lurk in RAM when a computer is shut down). Data storage devices such as Hard Disks (which are internal to the computer) hold data regardless of the powered state of a computer and are ideal for slower access storage of data which isnt being actively used by a computer, this might include a program which hasn t been activated (Or run). Hard Disks are cheaper than main memory and tend to have much larger capacity than RAM. Their one significant weakness however is that when data is being regularly added to and deleted* from a computer the gaps between chunks of data might be used to hold one particular file This results in ‘fragmentation where a Hard Disk has to access different points of its surface to get one piece of information. * Data isnt exactly deleted, rather its marked as safe to over-write with data so even if a file is removed from the deleted files folder in windows, the file could still exist on the computer, at least until it is partially or completely over-written by new data. Input and Output Devices This category covers a very wide variety of components which may be solely for input of data into a computer via external devices such as a mouse, keyboard, camera, microphone or a touch pad on a laptop (Equivalent of a mouse). These devices are plugged into the computer, usually into ports in the back of a computer, though some are now working wirelessly and are the primary means with which a human ‘communicates with a computer. Meanwhile, in order to provide the user of a computer with responses to inputs given, the computer can use output devices (Also plugged or wirelessly connected to the computer) to give the user feedback, most commonly via a monitor and speakers (A ‘click noise to acknowledge an action), though motherboards are built to handle basic 2D graphics it is common practice to insert a graphics card into a computer which handles processing of graphics and sends the processing out to the monitor, many motherboards now require a graphics card in order to run. Some devices can be regarded as both input and output, such as a headset which includes a microphone for input and earphones for output or a hand held game controller which takes input through buttons and gives feedback through tactile feedback (Rapid shaking/vibration) or even a small internal speaker. There are also data storage devices, mainly Disc Drives which can store data independent of a computer, useful for installing new programs or transferring data from one location to another. Also worth a special mention are Universal Serial Bus (USB) devices which are derived from a technology which allows a computer to understand what the device is, without requiring the installation of some software package first. Many existing devices mentioned above have USB variants that take advantage of this (Along with all USB devices using the same design of ‘port on the computer itself). Finally, there are input/output devices which are designed to allow a computer to speak to other computers, either via wires or radio waves These other computers can range from printers and network communication devices to other desktop computers anywhere in the world. Development of Modern Computers Currently the main focus on computers seems to be increasing performance and this will be the case for the foreseeable future with faster Processors, Memory and Graphics handling being the focus of efforts to improve performance and reduce power requirements. In addition, there is a battle raging over the latest form of Disc based storage between High Definition DVD (Digital Video Disc) and Blu-Ray, both of which essentially do the same job of storing data for access by a disc drive whilst trying to maximise the speed at which data can be transferred off the disc so that (For example) a higher quality image can be displayed in a video. USB has also been a significant influence on computers Limiting the abundance of proprietary connectors which only work for one device or range of devices, whilst also making it easier for any device to communicate with a computer when following the USB standard. Building an Advanced Modern Computer The first and most important factor to consider before building a computer relates to what the computer is to be used for, the components detailed below are specific to an advanced computer that would be used for the latest generation computer games or for advanced graphics applications such as video editing or 3D computer aided design software. Detailed below is each component, along with reasons for each choice: Case: Jeantech Titan Midi ATX case, Front USB/Audio/Mic, **NO PSU**, It doesnt tend to be necessary to purchase an expensive case in which all the components are placed, and since many cases tend to sit under a desk away from view an expensive fancy case design seems superfluous. The chosen case doesnt include a Power Supply Unit simply because most cases that come with a PSU included only tend to offer a low power 300 Watt supply. Power Supply Unit: 600W ATX Power Supply for AMD, P3 and P4 mainboards 24Pin, The main areas to be careful with a PSU choice are capacity (Suitable for running high powered graphics and processor) and also the number of pins on the PSU unit Itd be unfortunate if you bought a 20 Pin PSU and then realised that the motherboard requires 24Pins. Motherboard: Asus P5E3 Intel X38 (Socket 775) PCI-Express DDR3 Motherboard, FSB 1333/1066/800 DDR3 1333/1066/800, I have found its generally advisable to focus on a high Front Side Bus and main Memory speed recently, especially with the latest ‘Next Generation games that are coming onto the market. For instance, the high powered Playstation 3 merely uses a 256Meg Graphics card because thats not actually where a great deal of power is required. Currently, its not possible to purchase a motherboard that has 1600 Mhz Front Side Bus and DDR3 Memory speed (Without over-clocking components) combined though one is due to come out some time during 2008. If the Mhz rating is too low, you will risk having to replace the computer due to obsolescence far sooner than should really be necessary. Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 LGA775 Wolfdale 3.00GHz (1333FSB) Retail A Front Side Bus rating of 1333 Mhz has been chosen in order to match up with the upper rating of the motherboard, though you could choose a lower one and upgrade the processor later to save money early on. Its always wise to make sure that the motherboard supports the choice of processor, in this case a Socket 775 (Which essentially designates the configuration and number of pins that the CPU uses to ‘plug into the motherboard). Memory: OCZ 2GB DDR3 PC3-10666C9 1333MHz Gold (2x1GB) Dual Channel DDR3 (OCZ3G13332GK), prodid=MY-093-OCgroupid=701catid=8subcat=923 A Front Side Bus rating of 1333 Mhz has been chosen in order to match up with the upper rating of the motherboard, with the option of a slower set of memory early on to save money prior to a later upgrade. For gaming/graphic intensive systems or where some form of rendering or code compiling occurs its advisable to have plenty of memory capacity, at least 2 Gigs worth which has become the standard minimum requirement, you could later add another matched pair of this memory as the motherboard supports 4 slots for DDR3 memory. Graphics Card: Point of View GeForce 8800 GT 512MB GDDR3 HDTV/Dual DVI (PCI-Express) Retail, The motherboard requires a PCI-Express graphics card (By nature of it having slots suitable for PCI-E cards) which are currently the best choice you can get, though there are faster variants (GDDR4 and 5) its debatable if yo u need faster than that even with the latest crop of next generation computer games being released which tend to place more of a drain on the CPU than on a graphics card. Sufficient capacity, in this case 512MB is required for storing all the textures (images on the surface of a character model and surfaces of a level) that games use to render whats going on. Hard Disk: Western Digital Raptor 150GB 10000RPM SATA 16MB Cache OEM (WD1500ADFD), Though the capacity isnt huge it is more than sufficient, the main selling points of this particular hard disk are the high Revolutions per Minute (Which allows a large file to be transferred to memory/processing faster) but also a low seek time (How long it takes to find a new file, in this case 4.6 milliseconds). Monitor: LG L226WT 22 LCD TFT, Silver, 2ms, 16:10, 3000:1 Contrast Ratio, 1680 x 1050 Resolution, DVI, vatech/specpage.html?LG-L226WT Often times a great deal of focus is placed on the resolution of a monitor, however its also worth considering the Response Time (2ms) which basically dictates how quickly output from a graphics card gets displayed on the screen of a computer. In this case, a widescreen monitor has been chosen because many 3D applications often have side menus with lots of settings and the extra width on the screen provides room for these without intruding on the graphics being displayed toward the centre of the screen. Keyboard: Microsoft Comfort Curve 2000 Keyboard (B2L-00005), As many gamers are guilty of playing for long hours without a break its advisable to choose a keyboard this is comfortable to use, this also applies in a work place where its advisable to prevent a worker from getting Repetitive Strain Injuries by making sure the equipment limits that risk. Mouse: Logitech G5 Gaming-Grade Laser Mouse Retail, The choice of mouse is dictated by the need for precise recognition of the movements of the mouse, also a higher grade laser limits the chance of random movements of the cursor on a screen which can sometimes occur with standard mice. The option is available to choose a more expensive mouse which includes scripting facilities (Essentially extra buttons that can carry out a chain of functions, such as a sequence of movements), but for most people this is entirely unnecessary. Speakers: Creative Inspire T3100 2.1 Speakers OEM, These speakers will be well suited to most usage, though individual tastes might require a 5.1 surround system or greater These often involve a large number of trailing cables or an expensive wireless system so may not be the best choice for a desktop compu ter. Component Price Case  £21.89 Power Supply Unit  £22.32 Motherboard  £152.74 Processor  £148.04 DDR3 Memory  £135.11 Graphics Card  £155.09 Hard Disk  £116.31 Monitor  £187.99 Keyboard  £14.09 Mouse  £41.11 Speakers  £23.49 Total  £1018.18 Essential Components Only  £751.50 In cases where the computer is simply an upgrade, the monitor, keyboard, mouse and speakers dont tend to require replacement In which case the value of the computer can be reduced to  £751.50. A computer with the specifications should last at least 2 years before reaching obsolescence, especially now that the initial technological surge brought about by the development of the XBOX 360 and Playstation 3 Consoles has reached their peak. Operating Systems The next decision is the choice of an appropriate Operating System that is called upon when the computer is ‘booted up. For the majority of usage that does not involve running a dedicated server, Windows tends to be the better operating system of choice, unfortunately the recent release of Windows Vista appears to have met some issues Primarily that it is regarded as an even larger system resource drain than Windows XP. Currently Windows XP is the better choice of operating system out of the two as it has reached maturity and is now particularly stable, with the majority of significant bugs and security weakness ironed out. XP does not support Direct X 10 at this time which means the potential for some graphics not being as rich as they could be, however it has been discovered that there are back door ways of achieving many Direct X 10 features in DX9 which reduces the need to consider Windows Vista for next generation computer games. Internet Access Broadband has now become the best choice for accessing the Internet, as there are wide variety of packages available for different kinds of usage from just occasional web browsing to the download of large files or playing online games which require significant bandwidth. The main requirements are access to a cable network near the house (Some areas still dont have cable lines, particularly remote villages and farms) and a Cable Modem which is wired to the computer using either an Ethernet or USB cable. Wireless cable modems/routers are also an option, in these cases it is absolutely essential that the network is pass worded as people have been arrested as a result of someone making unauthorised use of a wireless network for illicit purposes.